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Mi Cuenta
Terminos y Condiciones

Before reading the articles below, please take good notice of the following preliminary terms, which terms make use of some of the definitions as specified in Article 1 below:

Entering into this Agreement: This End User License Agreement constitutes a valid and binding agreement between ID-Phone Network and You, as a user, for the use of the ID-Phone Network Software. You must enter into this Agreement by clicking on the ACCEPT button in order to be able to use the ID-Phone Network Software. Furthermore,You agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and any new versions hereof.

Electronic Signatures and Agreement(s): You acknowledge and agree that by clicking on the ACCEPT button or similar buttons or links as may be designated by ID-Phone Network to show Your approval of any foregoing texts,You hereby waive any rights or requirements under any laws or regulations in any jurisdiction which require an original (non-electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, to the extent permitted under applicable mandatory law.

No Emergency Calls: by entering into this Agreement You acknowledge and agree that the ID-Phone Network Software does not and does not intend to support or carry emergency calls.

Jurisdiction's Restrictions: if You are residing in a jurisdiction which restricts the use of internet-based applications according to age, or which restricts the ability to enter into agreements such as this agreement according to age and You are under such a jurisdiction and under such age limit, You may not enter into this Agreement. Furthermore, if You are residing in a jurisdiction where it is forbidden by law to offer or use software for internet telephony, You may not enter into this Agreement use the ID-Phone Network Software. By entering into this Agreement You explicitly state that You have verified in Your own jurisdiction if Your use of the ID-Phone Network is allowed.

Article 1. Definitions

In this Agreement the following capitalized definitions are being used, singular as well as plural.

1.1 Affiliate: any corporation, company or other entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, ID-Phone Network. For the purpose of this definition, the word "control" shall mean the direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation, company, or other entity.

1.2 Agreement: this End User License Agreement, as may be renewed, modified and/or amended from time to time.

1.3 Documentation: any online or otherwise enclosed documentation provided by ID-Phone Network.

1.4 IP Rights: any and all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks and patents, as well as know how and trade secrets contained in or relating to the Documentation, the ID-Phone Network Website or the ID-Phone Network Promotional Materials.

15 ID-Phone Network: A trademark of ID-Phone Network, a company established under the laws of USA.

1.6 ID-Phone Network Promotional Materials: any and all names, signs, logos, banners and any other materials, in whatever form, owned and/or used by ID-Phone Network for the promotion of its company, its products and activities.

1.7 ID-Phone Network Staff: the officers, directors, employees and agents of ID-Phone Network or its Affiliates, or any other persons hired by ID-Phone Network or its Affiliates in relation with the execution of this Agreement.

1.8 ID-Phone Network Website: any and all elements and contents of the website available among other URL's- under the URL www.ID-Phone.net, from which website the ID-Phone Network Software can't be downloaded.

1.9 You: you, the end user of the ID-Phone Network Software, also used in the form "Your" where applicable.

Article 2. Confidentiality and Privacy

2.1 ID-Phone Network's Confidential Information. You agree to take all reasonable steps at all times to protect and maintain any confidential information regarding ID-Phone Network, its Affiliates, the ID-Phone Network Staff, strictly confidential.

2.2 Your Confidential Information and Your Privacy. ID-Phone Network is committed to respecting Your privacy and the confidentiality of Your personal data. The "Privacy Policy" that is published on the ID-Phone Network Website applies to the use of Your personal data, the traffic data as well as the content contained in Your communication(s).

Article 3. Term and (Consequences of) Termination

3.1 Term. This Agreement will be effective as of the Effective Date and will remain effective until terminated by either ID-Phone Network or You as set forth below.

3.2 Termination by ID-Phone Network. ID-Phone Network may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing notice to You and/or by preventing Your access to the ID-Phone Network Services.

3.3 Termination by You. You may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause.

3.4 ID-Phone Network not refund any amount for terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause.

Article 4. General Provisions

4.1 New versions of the Agreement. ID-Phone Network reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time by providing such revised Agreement to You or by publishing the revised Agreement on the ID-Phone Network Website.

4.2 Entire Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between You and ID-Phone Network with respect to the subject matter hereof and will supersede and replace all prior understandings and agreements, in whatever form, regarding the subject matter.

4.3 Partial Invalidity. Should any term or provision hereof be deemed invalid, void or enforceable either in its entirety or in a particular application, the remainder of this Agreement shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect.

4.4 No waiver. The failure of ID-Phone Network at any time or times to require performance of any provisions hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same unless the same is explicitly waived in writing and signed by ID-Phone Network.

4.5 No Assignment by You. You are not allowed to assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder.

4.6 Assignment by ID-Phone Network. ID-Phone Network is allowed to at its sole discretion assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder to any Affiliate, without giving prior notice.

4.7 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California without giving effect to the conflict of laws or provisions of USA.

4.8 Competent Court. Any legal proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of any court of California sitting in USA.


Last revised: JUN 2010.

Fair Use Policy


1. It is important to ID-Phone Network that all eligible ID-Phone Network customers are able to access our Services. Accordingly, We have devised a Fair Use Policy which applies to:
(a) usage of ID-Phone Network free calls
(b) usage of promotions; and
(c) any other promotions which are advertised by ID-Phone Network as subject to the Fair Use Policy ("Fair Use Promotions").

2. We reserve the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use Policy from time to time.

3. ID-Phone Network may rely on the Fair Use Policy where your:
(a) participation in a Fair Use Promotion, is excessive or unreasonable, as defined below.

Excessive Use

1. In the case of ID-Phone Network free calls, there are restrictions on the maximum number of calls and the duration of the calls.

2. In the case of Fair Use Promotions, what is excessive use will either be advertised by ID-Phone Network at the time of the relevant promotion or included in this Fair Use Policy prior to the commencement of the relevant promotion.

Unreasonable Use

1. It is unreasonable use of ID-Phone Network Services where Your use of ID-Phone Network Services is reasonably considered by ID-Phone Network to be fraudulent or to adversely affect the ID-Phone Network or other ID-Phone Network customers' use of or access to a ID-Phone Network Service.

2. Among other things, "fraudulent use" includes resupplying a ID-Phone Network Service without ID-Phone Network's consent so that someone else may access or use ID-Phone Network or take advantage of a Fair Use Promotion.

Our rights

1. ID-Phone Network may charge you a cost-price based rate for any subsequent calls to one of the free destinations, terminate your account, or deny the use of the ID-Phone Network service or features of it.

Free calls with ID-Phone Network

New users can to get ID-Phone Network out for free for a total of 60 minutes. During this period you can only call the destinations marked as. Register your account by buying credit in order to extend your free calls.

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